Friday, November 30, 2007


Sliver is a real-time installation/perform- ance in which movement of a performer is digitized and re-sampled onto an interactive screen. While the performer is in a separate room, the visitor is invited to engage with the performance interface by touching the screen in order to move a "virtual scanner". This action samples "slivers" of the performers image which are displayed and moved across a large screen, allowing the dance to both freeze in time, while reconstructing the movement phrase across a linear plane. At the same time, the performer's motion is detected and displayed in the lower part of the screen to offer hints to the visitors about the performers location and presence in the concealed space. In this installation, gaze, touch, movement and image output are coupled and deconstructed in the interface. This piece is inspired by the work of David Tinapple ( and Steina and Woody Vasulka (

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